31467 Long distance access code contains invalid characters. Please type in digits only.
31468 Type your international access code.
31469 International access code contains invalid characters. Please type in digits only.
31470 You cannot install WinFax PRO 8.0 on a Windows 95 version earlier than build 950.
31471 MailProgram
31472 UploadPath
31473 DownloadPath
31475 WinComm PRO 7.0
31476 7.0
31477 There is not enough disk space on the drive(s) you selected.
31478 %s is being used by process %s.\n\nPlease close all other programs before continuing.
31479 There is no modem installed. Do you want to continue Setup?
31480 To exit Setup, click Cancel.
31481 There is a voice modem present on your system.\n\nYou may want to install @TW_MARQUEE.
31482 There is currently no voice modem installed on your system. Do you still want to install @TW_MARQUEE?
31483 Do you want to exit Setup?
31485 EULA.TXT
31486 DialLocalArea
31487 DialCountry
31488 DialIntl
31489 DialLongDis
31490 FaxNumber
31491 VoiceNumber
31492 DialUsePrefix
31493 CSID
31494 Delrina WinFax LITE 4.0
31495 Delrina WinFax LITE 4.0 with Voice
31496 Locations
31497 Your program group name contains invalid character. Please type a new one.
31498 Location0
31499 7.0
31500 CommonPath
31501 Direct Connect (Cabled)
31502 SharedDLLs
31503 WinComm LITE
31504 Version
31505 Delrina WinComm LITE 1.0
31506 Delrina WinComm LITE 1.1
31507 7.0
31508 Registration
31509 Address1
31510 Address2
31511 city
31512 state
31513 zip
31514 country
31515 phone
31516 fax numb
31517 email
31518 Setup cannot communicate with Windows. Please reboot your system and run Setup again.
31519 File Section
31520 Symantec\Common\
31521 Country code contains invalid characters. Please type in digits only.
31522 Area code contains invalid characters. Please type in digits only.
31523 Unable to open EULA txt file
31524 Setup Error
31525 Setup Warning
31526 Unable to launch the Modem Control Panel
31527 Cyberjack 7.0
31528 CommSuite 95
31529 Failed to load REGLIB32.DLL
31530 OpenProcessToken Error #%d
31531 AdjustTokenPrivileges Error #%d
31532 Error ExitWindows Error #%d
31533 Failed to enumerate keys under %s
31534 Internal Setup Error.\n\nRun Setup later to install WinFax PRO.
31535 Setup is not complete.\n\nRun Setup later to install WinFax PRO.
31537 WinFax PRO for Networks
31539 NET SatisFAXtion
31540 LAN
31541 Phonebooks
31542 WinFax PRO for Networks Active Users
31543 Path
31545 Comment
31546 WinFax PRO for Networks current active user list
31547 Type
31548 Read Only
31549 Existing
31550 GUID
31551 WinFax PRO 8.0
31554 MTDOS.386
31557 Monitoring Tool
31559 User Configuration
31560 Load DLLs
31561 Unload DLLs
31562 Delrina CommServer 1.0
31565 Faxnode
31566 If you previously used FAXability to send and receive faxes with NET SatisFAXtion, you cannot run FAXability and WinFax at the same time.\n\nIf FAXability is in your Startup group, we strongly recommend you remove it.
31568 Start Menu
31569 Programs
31570 LocalExePath
31571 Install New Modem Type
31572 MSVCRT20.DLL
31573 CTL3D32.DLL
31574 %s is not installed properly. Do you want to try again?
31575 Active modem is not installed with WinFax. Please go to Setup | Modem to choose a new modem after installation.
31576 Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Program Manager\UNICODE Groups
31577 (Common)
31578 Startup
31579 Program Group
31580 Configuration
31581 Server Configuration
31582 Setup was unable to stop the spooler. Retry to have Setup attempt to stop the spooler again, or manually stop the spooler and click Cancel. To stop the spooler manually, go to the control panel and select Services.
31583 Explorer\Shell Folders
31584 Common Programs
31585 SOFTWARE\Program Groups
31586 Type your local fax number.
31587 WinFax Peer-to-Peer
31589 MSVCRT40.DLL
31592 [Marconi]\n
31593 CreditCards
31594 Modems
31595 Please select your calling card from the list. If you do not see your calling card in the list, select "Generic".
31596 SOFTWARE\Delrina\CommSuite\7.0\CreditCards
31597 CardNumber
31598 CardCount
31599 NextCardID
31600 WinFax PRO 9.0
31602 SOFTWARE\Delrina\WinFax\7.0\Winfax
31603 SOFTWARE\Delrina\WinFax\CurrentVersion
31605 Could not open SCManager! Error %d
31606 OpenedSCManager
31607 Could not open the Spooler service!\nError %d
31608 Opened the Spooler!
31609 Could not start the Spooler.\nError %d
31610 Spooler was already running!
31611 Spooler started ok.
31612 Could not interrogate Spooler. Error %d
31613 Spooler wasn't running.
31614 Could not stop the Spooler...timed out.
31615 Stopped the Spooler.
31616 Software\Delrina\WinFax\7.0\Talkworks
31617 Symantec
31618 Unable to create registry key '%s'
31619 Created registry key '%s'
31620 (Default)
31621 Wrote value '%s'='' under '%s'
31622 Wrote value '%s'='%d' under '%s'
31623 Wrote value '%s'='%s' under '%s'
31624 The selected fax capable device is not yet configured for\nuse with %1. You must configure the device\nbefore it can be selected for use. Do you want to\nconfigure it now?
31625 Modems
31626 The following modems are currently set up on your computer:
31627 Select the modem you want to use and click Next. To add a new modem to the list, click Add.
31628 The selected fax capable device is not yet configured for use with %1. We recommend that you configure the device before proceeding.
31629 If you choose to continue without configuring this device, you will have to configure it later, from Program Setup -- Modems and Communications Devices, before it can be used.\n\nDo you want to configure the device now?
31630 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11
31631 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11
31633 Important! Setup was unable to automatically configure your dialing options.\n\nBefore you can use %1, you must set up your area code and other dialing options in %1. Do this now?\n\n
31635 To do this later, start Program Setup, double click Dialing And Locations, click the Location tab, and enter your area code and all other appropriate dialing information.
31636 Setup has detected that you currently have both an ISDN and a regular modem configured for the same location. All such locations are now configured to use just the regular modem. You can later configure each location individually.
31692 WinFax PRO 10.0
31693 Setup was unable to start the spooler. Retry to have Setup attempt to start the spooler again, or manually start the spooler and click Cancel. To start the spooler manually, go to the control panel and select Services.
31694 Spooler failed to start.
31695 "%s"\n\n@TW_MARQUEE has determined that this file is no longer needed. However there may be other applications that need this file and @TW_MARQUEE isn't aware of them.\n\nDo you want to delete the file?
31700 &Yes
31701 &No
31705 CommonFilesDir
31706 Symantec Shared\
31707 To include Lotus Notes in the available email programs list, \n add your Lotus Notes installation path to your\n enviroment PATH settings and restart your system.
31708 Lotus Notes has been added to your enviroment PATH\n settings. Lotus Notes will be added to your email\n programs options list after you restart your computer.
31709 SOFTWARE\Delrina\WinFax\7.0\General
31710 P&rofile:
31711 &Login:
31712 &SMTP server:
31713 POP&3 server:
31714 Posto&ffice:
31716 Please enter SMTP server address.
31717 The specified login name does not appear to be valid, do you want to use it anyway?
31718 The specified sever name does not appear to be valid, do you want to use it anyway?